A student attending full-time enrolled in approximately 15 credits per semester, will be able to complete the A.A.S. in Aviation-Commercial Pilot in four semesters.
The Commercial Pilot Program contains features that will achieve the level of pilot proficiency equivalent to that achieved by a training course prescribed in Appendixes (B, C, and D) to Part 141. In addition to meeting regulatory requirements, the program offers an enrolled student a seamless, yet comprehensive and cohesive, course of training beginning with private pilot training and continuing through commercial pilot training to ultimately achieve Commercial Pilot certification.
Any course fees are assessed at the beginning of each semester. The student will be responsible for attending the scheduled flight lesson. Any missed appointments will be handled individually per the flight school’s policies. No retakes of a failed course will be allowed due to poor attendance. Any cancellations beyond the control of the student and flight school will be discussed with Ozarka faculty/staff to determine if any violation of policies has occurred. If a student is unable to complete the class within the academic schedule for the registered semester as shown in the published class schedule, the student must bring this problem to the attention of the flight school staff or faculty as this may affect future funding for subsequent classes. If a student is found not progressing at a normal rate, a meeting between the flight school instructor and faculty will occur to determine the cause of the problem and possible solutions. Students will be expected to address any possible problems regarding flight training with faculty as soon as possible. Tuition and fees may be refunded in accordance with the refund of tuition policy and schedule.
The student will have to complete any flight lab within the academic schedule for the semester in which the student is registered. The student must complete all flight labs satisfactorily before signing up for subsequent flight labs in the degree program. A flight lab can be retaken once to achieve a satisfactory rating. In the event the student fails two flight labs resulting in two “F’s”, he or she will no longer be allowed to continue in the flight program. Students will receive an incomplete (I) only if all requirements outlined in the college catalog policy for (I’s) are met. The incomplete is only given in the case of weather and mechanical cancellations. Incompletes may also be given for extreme circumstances, other than weather and mechanicals, and may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Final grades for the flight lab will be based on the individual class grading policies stated in the syllabus.
Regular class attendance and punctuality are required for all classes. If a student must miss due to illness, emergency, or college business, it is the student's responsibility to find out what classwork was missed. After a student misses the equivalent of two weeks of class sessions, the instructor has the prerogative of assigning a grade "F" for the course.
VA students who fail to meet the flight program’s standards of progress, including the minimum requirements in either academics or attendance, will be determined to not be making satisfactory progress and the VA educational benefits. The school’s certifying official will submit a (22-1999b) effective on the last day of probation.